Quantum's Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (QvCISO) Services can help guide your company towards effective cybersecurity.
The What
What is a vCISO?
Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) is a natural evolution from the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) role. A vCISO is a subscription based, contracted executive in contrast to a CISO, which traditionally has been a full-time executive that warrants all of the associated and costly overhead. Like CISO's, vCISO’s are responsible for establishing cybersecurity strategy while minimizing risks to data assets but at a substantial cost savings. Quantum Vigilance’s vCISO's (QvCISO) will act as a conduit between information technology (IT), compliance and regulatory (legal) departments, and your executives. A QvCISO will always speak to each role (IT, legal, and executive) in language that is concise and appropriate to your organization.
The Why
Why does your organization need a vCISO?
Our world is more digital than ever and continues to grow. In fact, 90% of the world’s data was created in just the last two years (1). Traditional non-tech companies are embracing technology at breakneck speed. And while these transitioning companies are profiting from their advances, they are also exposed to new threats. During the COVID-19 pandemic alone, the FBI reported a 300% increase in cybercrimes (2). Coupled with the complex regulatory and compliance requirements associated with protecting data, companies traveling at breakneck speeds may crash. A QvCISO can help your company continue to travel at maximum velocity while minimizing your exposure to these very dangers. A QvCISO will determine your company’s risk profile and work with you to create an effective cybersecurity roadmap that maximizes your growth potential in a way that your entire organization can understand and embrace.
The How
How does a vCISO add value to your organization?
The benefits and flexibility of a vCISO can provide real, dollar and cents value to your organization. According to a Heidrick & Struggles 2020 survey, full time CISO’s command a median $326k annual salary, median bonus package of $96k and leave an organization within 4 years (3). By avoiding the hassles of vetting, onboarding, retaining and paying a full time CISO – something far too many startups and SMBs just can’t afford, contracting a vCISO for your particular situation saves the bottom line and permits you to reallocate financial resources to where it matters most – growing your business.
What makes Quantum's vCISO services different?
At Quantum, we believe that everything should begin with and flow from our client's needs. We will listen to stakeholders throughout your organization and incorporate their voices into our cybersecurity recommendations. Our guidance will always include solutions that match your organization's principles, follow industry best practices, and guide you towards a secure future all while maximizing value.

Delivering change
that is secure.
One of our guiding principles is to always listen to our clients. We can't hope to make your organization secure if we don't listen to your needs. Our plans will always be customized to meet your organization's requirements. This allows us to guide you towards effective cybersecurity while honoring your mission and goals.